The Camping Air Conditioner

air conditioner for camping

Camping Tips

Tent Color – how to choose the BEST TONE for your gear?

With technology evolving and multiple tent options these days, one of the basic aspects we should consider when buying a tent is its color. So, should you really worry about tent color? Absolutely! 

Apart from the aesthetics features, multiple aspects should be taken into consideration when choosing their color, such as:

  • The chosen tone might influence the temperature inside your tent, so be careful when selecting it. Overall, darker colors retain heat, whereas brighter ones are more heat reflective.
  • Sleeping quality – It is also known that colorimetry might impact your sleeping patterns. Overall, red lights appear to offer better sleeping conditions. 
  • Safety reasons – In case of an emergency, a brighter tent will help tent spot and identification. This is especially important in case you are camping in a remote location and by yourself – we never know when something bad can happen. On the other hand, if you, for whatever reason, want to hide from others, you can find camouflage alternatives. 
  • Mosquito repellent – According to, lighter colors, like white, beige, and khaki (and its variants) are an excellent repellent alternatives. Mosquitos enjoy darker environments and avoid light exposure.  

Hence, How to choose the best tent color for you? 

The answer is not that simple and should consider many factors and your personal preferences – let’s go through each point in detail. 

tent colors

Tent Color - Heat Absorption

The part of science that studies the measurement of colors is name colorimetry. From physics foundations, we know that light energy can be converted into heat, which explains why some objects get warmer than others when exposed to sunlight.

Overall, darker colors retain more heat from the environment since it absorbs a wide variety of light wavelengths.  Black is the color that absorbs all wavelengths and, therefore, is the “hottest” color

On the other hand, brighter colors (yellow, beige, light green, white) have high reflection rates, making them most suitable for summer camping. 


Therefore, the most important question you should consider before choosing your preferred tent tone for heat absorption is the average weather conditions. 

For example, suppose you are camping during summer. In that case, you might prefer a tent with lighter colors, as they will provide you with less heat retention and a less stuffy environment inside your shelter (if you camping in hot weather, it might be worth considering a tent fabric with good breathability, such as canvas.)

Conversely, suppose you are camping on cold winter days. In that case, you might be prone to pick a darker color, since it will retain the heat provided by the sunlight during the day. However, if the forecast indicates freezing weather, you should bring a tent heater.  


Tent Color - Sleeping patterns

Chromotherapy is a therapy segment that uses different light colors to treat both physical and emotional issues/diseases. According to the National Library of Medicine, this type of treatment has been used since 2000 BC by Egyptians.

Regarding sleeping patterns, it has been discovered that some colors might increase the production of melatonin, a hormone produced by the penal gland that has a direct influence on sleeping quality. Melatonin helps to regulate our circadian rhythm and improve body cycles.

Recent study has shown positive results (improved sleep and muscular recovery) for a small group of 20 female basket players that received red light exposure after being exposed to 30 min to it during the night. 

On the other hand, multiple articles indicate that the blue color can hinder melatonin production and, therefore, impact your resting hours.

So, if you have ever experienced insomnia problems, it might be worth picking up a red option.

Tent Color - Safety Reasons

Sometimes unexpected things happen. You might fall during your camping days, have an injury, or even get lost during your camping trip. Especially if you are camping by yourself in isolated or remote areas, we recommend using flashy and bright colors that will help people to quickly spot and identify you in case of an emergency.

On the other hand, some hunters, stealth campers, and survivalists tend to prefer camouflaged options. Camo tents, such as miltec room (shown below),  help you to mesh with nature and keep a low profile.

The choice between flashy pallets and camouflage alternatives is very personal. We prefer brighter colors, since we are always worried about some unexpected emergency.

Tent Color - Mosquito repellent

We all know how mosquitos can be annoying during our outdoor days. Picking the right tent tone might help avoiding them. 

Overall, these insects are attracted to darker colors. This happens because of their eyesight system, which has specific mechanisms to detect adjustments in light levels.

Even though there is no scientific evidence behind the relationship between colors and mosquito repellence, common knowledge indicates that brighter colors (white, yellow, khaki, light green) might help you on escaping from them.

This does not necessarily mean that lighter tones are natural repellents. However, between a dark and light color surface, it is very likely that mosquitos will choose the former one. 

Therefore, if you want to run away from these insects, consider shiny variations of yellow, white and green! 

It is also worth considering a mosquito repellent. We always carry a plant-based eco-friendly option with us, as it is very helpful with these insects and it does not carry chemicals in its composition. 


Is there a specific color that attract bears?

No. There is no scientific foundation to prove that some specific colors attracts bears. 

Usually, these animals are driven by food and smells. In fact, bears are extremely odor sensitive can be attracted not only by good scents, but also by garbage and food that has gone bad. 

The American Bear Association has prepared a detailed guide on how to avoid and deal with bears when camping and hiking.  

Is there a specific color that attract bugs and birds?

Overall, both bugs and birds are likely to be attracted to brighter tones. 

What is the best color for a tent?

There is no perfect or best color.

 Each option will come with advantages and drawbacks. The most suitable color for you will depend on your personal preferences and camping site conditions, such as:

a) Temperature / Heat absorption

b) Aesthetics

c) Safety 

However, it is widely known that brighter options might alleviate temperature, since they do not retain heat. Conversely, darker options might be a good option for winter camping.  

What is the best tent color for beach camping?

Prolonged exposure to UV rays in among the biggest risks of beach camping. 

According to the skin cancer foundation, dark and bright colors (i.e. red, black, navy blue) will retain more UV rays than lighter tones, and therefore should avoid wearing them. 

If you are going beach camping, bring an UV protected tent and always wear sunscreen – read this article with some tips for UV protection for tents

What is the best color for forest camping?

For safety reasons, we recommend using brighter and shiny colors, such as yellow. They will help on identification in case of an emergency or if you are lost.

Are there blackout tents?

Yes – blackout tents are tents that block almost all natural light and provide you with almost complete darkness inside it.  Coleman dark room skydome tent is a great blackout tent option. 


As detailed above, colors for tents are more than a simple aesthetic element. They can directly influence your comfort when resting under a tent.

If you are worried about temperature, stick to lighter tones, which are best to avoid heat retention. Brighter options might also help escape from mosquitos, and flashy variations will facilitate your spot and identification in case of an emergency. 

Red tents might help you sleep better, given that recent studies have shown that exposure to this tone during the night might increase melatonin levels. 

If you are a hunter or simply like to keep a low profile, a camo tent might be the best option for you. They help you mesh with the natural landscape and enjoy your nature days without being noted. 

What are tents made of? (And how to choose the best fabric!)

Among the essential camping gear, tents are undoubtedly the number one. A tent will protect you from rain, wind, extreme sun, animals and be your relaxing spot after a long hike trail or great camping day.  

When searching for the best camping tent, you will find many alternatives in the market. They will vary according to their size, price, special features, and many other options. 

However, one of the crucial tent elements is its material. So, what are tents made of?

Overall, the materials used to manufacture tents are:

  • Polyester
  • Canvas/Cotton
  • Nylon
  • Others  (polyester-cotton, DCF, etc) 
what tents are made of

Most tents are made from polyester, nylon, cotton. Each material has its benefits and drawbacks and might suit specific camping preferences and weather conditions. Overall, our recommendation is to choose a modern camping tent, with robust material yet lightweight.

 If you want to choose a suitable material for your outdoor days, keep reading this detailed article. It presents all the advantages and disadvantages of each tent material, and we hope by the end of it you will be able to choose the most suitable tent for your needs correctly.

By the way, The Camping Air Conditioner is sponsored by readers. When you buy through one of our links, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.

What are tents made of?

As previously mentioned, tents can be built with different materials. Currently, most tents are made from polyester, canvas, and nylon. Overall, these three materials can withstand adverse weather conditions, thanks to their robust coating on the surface.

However, each of them comes with specific characteristics that you should thoroughly evaluate before picking your preferred option.

Polyester - The Material

Polyester is the contraction of the term polyethylene terephthalate (PET). It is a synthetic material, which means that it was created by the human being to imitate a natural cloth. More specifically, the polyester was invented by British chemists around 1940 and it is still widely used different industries.

Originated from polymerization, polyester is made of petroleum derivatives, water and air, which are exposed to a long manufacturing process using different temperature and pressure conditions.

As a consequence, it comes with special features, such as:

  • Durability – Polyester fibers are robust and very difficult to tear. Overall, it is a chemical-resistant material and does not stretch, shrink, or wrinkle, retaining its shape. Therefore, if you pick a tent with this material, you should not worry about tent replacement anytime soon.
  • Waterproof – Due to its manufacturing process and the tight space between its fibers, polyester is hydrophobic and quickly dries. Thus, it suits well for outdoor clothing and gear manufacturing. However, these same features make the material less breathable, which can create a moisture trap inside your tent.
  • Easy maintenance – Because of the features mentioned above, tents made with this material are easy to clean and maintain. You can easily wash your tent and expects it to be dry in a matter of minutes.

Some of its drawbacks are:

  • Non-biodegradable – Unlike many natural fibers, Polyester is non-biodegradable, which means that it can take several years to decompose. 
  • Rough texture – Depending on the manufacturing process, it can be coarse. 
  • Overall, synthetic fibers are not resistant to UV rays and can deteriorate and wear off after prolonged sun exposure. 

Polyester Tents

Polyester is the common material for tent fabrics. This material is affordable, and it can withstand different types of weather. As detailed before, polyester materials are incredibly durable and can come with additional coats to improve their performance, especially water resistance

Advantages of polyester tents

  • It is lightweight. If you decide to purchase a tent made from polyester, you won’t have to worry about carrying it
  • Polyester does not shrink or get heavy when it gets wet. Even when it is wet, a polyester tent can be brought down and packed quickly, and it will remain lightweight.
  • Overall, it is one of the cheapest options. 
  • It can easily maintain its stability and shape during rainfall or wind.
  • A polyester-made tent is water-resistant, making it ideal for rainy conditions. Because they don’t absorb water easily, they do not get saggy or heavy such that carrying will be hard.
  • The other plus of polyester tents is their superior resistance to UV rays.

Disadvantages of polyester tents

  • With a last of use, a polyester-made tent won’t serve you for long
  • Because the material is not breathable, you will see more condensation in your tent. Further, you can suffer from the heat trapped in your tent.
  • It doesn’t offer much insulation – you might need a tent heater or a tent air conditioner)
  • With excess exposure to harsh sunlight rays, the coating on the surface might be damaged, exposing you to UV rays. 
  • Compared to nylon, polyester is less stretchable
  • It is non-biodegradable and made of a non-renewable resource. Therefore, it is not an eco-friendly solution.

Polyester tent - Our Recommendations

  • It Comes with two doors – easier access for multiple people. 
  • Spacious and easily fits four campers
  • Waterproof – ideal for rainy conditions. 
  • Two porch areas, ensuring optimal camping conditions
  • Ceiling vents specifically designed to provide better ventilation.
  • Straight Walls with  Spacious Interior – Move around freely in this giant tent.
  •  Water Resistant Exterior – Durable polyester – 68D
  • Electric Access Ports – Easy to pass an power cable through to run your electrical devices. 
  • Advanced Venting System – To keep your tent cool on warm evenings, the tent adjusts vent ports that draw cool air in from the ground and expels hot air out through a large mesh ceiling for ample cross-ventilation.

Canvas - The Material

Known for its durability, strength and sturdiness, the canvas is a plain-woven fabric made of cotton and linen. It can be blended with synthetic fibers and coats during its manufacturing process to improve its resistance to water infiltration. Combined these features offer a great outdoor fabric alternative. 

The manufacturing process for canvas consists of firmly weaving yarns in a plain weave. The vertical threads are held on the loom, whilst the horizontal is introduced by crossing under and over the vertical warp.

A curiosity about Canvas:

Canvas is a derivative of the latim word “cannabis”, as it was firstly woven with cotton and hemp. Around 1500 BC, the Indians started to replace the hemp by cotton.

Because of its tightly woven yarns, the main characteristics of the canvas are: 

  • Sturdiness and durability: It is a strong fabric and difficult to tear. Canvas is known for its heavy-duty features, presenting an excellent alternative for outdoor camping gear.  
  • Waterproof – Canvas fabric has great waterproof features, enhanced by extra PVC coating layers. Some coating treatments can qualify the material with “marine grade”, allowing it to be used as sails and awning. 
  • Heavyweight – Overall, this material is significantly heavier than nylon and polyester tents. 
  • Breathability – The lack of space between the yarns and threads, make the material less breathable than other cotton alternatives.

  • Eco-Friendly – Major part of its composition is biodegradable (cotton)

Canvas tents

Overall, campers prefer canvas tents because of their heavy-duty features, which results from their weaving manufacturing process. Canvas tents are also an excellent insulator, ensuring optimal temperatures inside them. 

Some people love its style and design, which creates a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere. These tents are generally used for glamping (luxury camping). 

Advantages of canvas tents

  • Canvas-made tents are resistant to tear. The double-stitched construction makes it hard to cut, and even if a cut happens, two ply-threads prevent the propagation of the tear
  • The canvas material is the most sturdy, strong, and durable fabric in the market. With its unique weave construction, it can serve you for at least ten years.

  • Canvas material has good insulation that ensures you are comfortable in different weather conditions. Its heavy weave helps reduce heat, wind, and noise to make the tent’s interior cozy. Because of its insulation, it is known to be the most comfortable than most tents in the market.

  • Cotton can stay cool even in the hot summers, thanks to its low heat retention properties

Disadvantages of canvas tents

  • The cotton canvas material is bulky, and it can’t be used comfortably by backpackers. However, they are the best when camping in a windy location.
  • Keeping in mind it is a heavy fabric. Therefore, you will need more heavy poles to keep it upright and stable. This makes them useless for light travelers and backpackers

  • Cotton canvas is a natural fabric that is prone to mildew and mold. Compared to other materials, maintaining a tent made from cotton canvas is difficult.
  • Tents made from cotton canvas can be “pricey”, making them unsuitable for occasional campers or those on a budget. Although this is understandable because they have unique characteristics that ensure it lasts long. 
  • In extreme temperatures, cotton changes colors. Mostly, excess exposure to oil, heat, and dust cause cotton tents to turn yellow.

Our recommendation - Canvas Tents

For up to 8 people – TETON Sports Sierra Canvas Tent

  • Great waterproofness and breathability features
  • Extremely easy to set up
  • Different sizes  to match your requirements (from 6 to 12 people)
  • Built-in ventilation ports to facilitate air circulation

Nylon - The material

Nylon is also a synthetic polymer made from oil derivatives. It is characterized by its exceptional strength, elasticity, and heavy-duty features. Because of these attributes, the material is used in a wide range of camping apparel, such as tents. 

Nylon was created in the decade of 1930s by DuPont. During World War 2, Nylon was widely implemented in the military field, used to produce parachutes and military tents.

what tents are made of - nylon

Similarly to polyester, it is created via a polymerization reaction, resulting in the following characteristics:

  • Durability – It has excellent durability, with good wearing and tearing resistance.

  • Elasticity – the material is highly flexible and able to stretch. Consequently, many sports brands have introduced it in its activewear composition.

  • Flammability – Even though it can melt if exposed to high temperatures, Nylon has low flammability. 

  • Lightweight – The material is extremely light and easy to carry around. 

  • Maintenance – It is effortless to maintain. You can wash it and let the material dry (it quickly dries)

  • Cost – It is a low-cost option compared to natural fibers (i.e. cotton/canvas). However, overall, it is more expensive than polyester. 

  • Waterproof – The material is considered waterproof and can be used as outdoor furniture covers, tents, and tarps. 

  • UV/Light Resistant – Nylon can be damaged by long exposure to Ultra-Violet rays. This means that its colour can fade with direct sunlight exposure, and the material can lose its strength and elasticity. However, it can be mixed with other chemicals to improve its performance and resistance. 

  • Non-biodegradable – As previously detailed, its manufacturing process uses oil derivatives and chemical reactions, making it a non-biodegradable option

Nylon Tents

Nylon tents are lightweight, durable and affordable. They usually come with special coatings (polyurethane, silicone, or acrylic) to improve its resistance to different weather conditions. 

However, they have limited insulation and might not be a good alternative for hot summer days. Further, as a polymer, it does not have great breathability, which might impact your comfort. 

Advantages of Nylon tents

  • Nylon tents are stretchy and strong. 
  • Compared to canvas and polyester fabrics, nylon material has a high strength to weight ratio. Meaning it remains stronger while being lightweight
  • Nylon-made tents require less maintenance. They don’t support the growth of mold and mildew, and they are the best for camping in damp areas. You can store them in your preferred spot during the off-season, and they won’t need much attention.
  • Nylon tents are abrasion-resistant. It can withstand any abrasive force in the wilderness.
  • Some nylon tents have a coating on the surface to resist harsh outdoor conditions.
  • Nylon alone is not entirely waterproof, but it is mixed with silicone to make SilNylon. This combination makes nylon waterproof and durable.
  • A great option for hikers and backpackers, as nylon tents are extremely light.

Disadvantages of canvas tents

  • Compared to polyester, nylon has a low condensation rate, and it is not breathable. If you decide to add a waterproof coating on the outside of the tent, breathability will be decreased. This leads a tent to be stuffy and uncomfortable on hot summer days.
  • Even though a nylon tent has some primary resistance to sunlight, when it is excessively exposed to UV rays, its protection layer weakens, and the tent can deteriorate. For instance, if you love to camp in high-altitude areas in the summer, your tent will be highly exposed to UV rays. So, consider getting a UV protection spray to reduce the exposure.

Our recommendation - Nylon Tents

For up to 3 people –  Naturehike cloud up  (1,2 and 3 campers options)

  • Lightweight tent, ideal for hiking and backpacking (2-person tent weights only 2kg!)
  • Easy to pitch and store
  • Naturehike is well-known for its outstanding quality. 
  • Special designed vent ports, to improve air circulation.


As the technology evolves, multiple material innovations appear to address campers problems. Hybrid tents combine different materials and leverage their best features. Some other options are detailed below. 

Polyester-Cotton Tents

Polyester-cotton tents mix polyester and cotton. According to manufacturers, it finds the sweet spot for breathability, UV resistance, and waterproofness. Whilst the polyester helps with lighter weight and strength, the cotton brings breathability. Further, conversely to canvas tents, you won’t have mold problems. 


Cuben Fibers

Being also named Cuben Fiber (DCF) Tents, these tents are made of highly robust fibers. Overall, they are very light but also very expensive compared to nylon, polyester and canvas options. 

They have outstanding waterproof features and are easy to carry, being ideal for hikers or backpackers. However, we do not recommend it being your first tent. 


What is the best tent for summer camping?

If you are camping in summer, you are probably after an option that can provide you with good insulation and breathability. Canvas tents are a great alternative, since they lower heat retention. Be mindful that these tents might be heavier!

What is the best Tent for winter camping?

Rather than recommending a specific material, we suggest checking the tent’s coating specifications. As previously shown, canvas tents offer better insulation, however there are multiple nylon and polyester options with great insulation coatings. 

The challenge with polyester and nylon tents is that high humidity levels can cause condensation inside them. If you think you will still feel cold, you can have a look at tent heaters options. 

What is best tent for rainy weather?

Nylon and polyester have better waterproofness when compared to other options. However, before buying them have a look at the tent coating specifications. There are numerous coating options, such as polyester urethane (PU), polyether urethane (PE), and silicon. This article details a comparison between PU, PE and silicon coatings


You can also use Nikiwax, which is an easy to use technical cleaner with UV protection for cotton, canvas and synthetic tents. It cleans and improve waterproofness of your tent, and protects against UV rays.

What is the Best Tent for hiking and backpacking?

If you are backpacking or hiking, you will need a tent that is easy to transport and pitch. We recommend using nylon tents, given their lightweight and resistance. If you are an advanced camper and have an extra budget, have a go at DCF tents. 

What is the cheapest tent?

Nylon tents tend to be the cheapest alternative. However, the prices will vary according to coating specifications, tent size, and many other factors. 

What is the most expensive tent?

Tends made of Cuben Fiber/DCF tend to be the most expensive ones. The manufacturing process for this type of fiber is complex and costly. 

Can you wash your tent? What is the easiest tent to maintain?

Nylon and polyester tents are easier to maintain and wash. They dry quickly and do not create mould. On the other hand, canvas tents require higher maintenance levels and constant monitoring to avoid mould growth. 

Can you wash a tent in the washing machine?

We do not recommend washing your tent in the washing machine. It might damage and tear your tent. 


We hope that by the end of this article, you have a clear understanding of what tents are made of. As discussed different tent materials will provide you with different advantages and disadvantages. 

If you love camping, we recommend having more than one to suit your specific needs. Apart from the material, always check the coating specifications. They can also dramatically improve your experience under a tent. 

How to Cool a Tent Without Electricity?

Summer camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, get some fresh air, and spend time with family and friends. However, things can get uncomfortable in a hot tent when the temperatures start to rise.

But with a few simple tips, you can stay relaxed and comfortable while enjoying nature’s majesty. So, how to cool a tent without electricity? These tricks will help you beat the heat:

  • Choose the adequate tent fabric
  • Choose the best location to pitch your tent
  • Set your tent up at the right time
  • Use battery and solar-powered devices
  • Use a reflective blanket
  • Cool your body down
  • Watch for tent ventilation
  • Forget about your sleeping bag
  • Build a DIY Air Conditioner

Let’s investigate into detail each tips below. 

How to cool a tent without electricity 3

How do tents get too hot?

There are two major sources of heat that can lead to high temperatures inside a tent:

a) Sunlight  – if the tent is exposed to sunlight for long hours, there is no doubt that you will find a stuffy environment inside it. There are simple ways to get around this, which are detailed below. 

b) The human body – This is a little bit obvious, but the more people you have inside a tent, the hotter it will get.  

How to cool your tent without electricity?

Tip 1 - Choose right type of tent

The type of tent you choose is the primary variable to cool down a tent. Always consider the tent shape, fabric, color, and size because these factors determine how cool a tent can be.

Camping tents are made from many materials, including nylon, polyester, cotton/canvas, poly-cotton, cuben fiber, pvc-coated, and others. Each material will have its own characteristics, which will heavily influence its ability to manage hot weather conditions.

For example, tents made of polyester are lightweight, easier to handle (transport and assemble), and come with high durability levels. Waterproofness is another feature of this kind of tent. 

The polyester is heavily sealed, blocking the water outside. However, this can also lead to water condensation inside the tent and lead to higher temperaturesNylon tents are very similar to polyester ones but are usually lighter (and sometimes more expensive).

Consider getting a tent made of canvas since it prevents heat penetration and has improved breathability. The drawback of canvas tents is their weight – usually, they are heavy and suitable for car camping. 

These days, canvas tents have been broadly used in luxury camping/glamping. There are different sizes – we recommend these models for 2-3 people and 8+ campers.

Canvas tent

If you want to chose something in the middle range that offers both flexibility and temperature control, pick a poly-cotton tent. They are made of both polyester and cotton in different proportions and carry the benefits of each material. 

In terms of color, avoid choosing a colorful tent. Prefer a light-colored tent, such as white or yellow, given their lower heat retention features. 

Black is the ultimate heat absorber.... White is the opposite. White light is the sum of all wavelengths, so when some people view a white object, they are really viewing all visible light hitting the object's surface and reflecting back. Some heat is still absorbed based on the nature of the object's material, but minimal additional heat is absorbed, making white the coolest possible color

For shape and size, consider getting a lightweight or large tent. It will offer more headroom and constant airflow.

Tip 2 - Pay attention to your camping location

Planning is the key to success! Before booking your trip, undertake thorough research of your camping area. Preferably, pick a location with enough shades

The best area to camp is close to  hills, trees, rivers, and lakeside. For instance, camping in a hilly or forest-rich location will give you enough sunlight protection. Take advantage of the shade provided by the trees and protect the tent from direct sunlight. 

Furthermore, the windier the area is, the more air will circulate in your tent. Try to choose a camping site with adequate wind and ventilation. For instance, camping close to waterfalls and riversides is a good idea. 

Tip 3 - Set up your tent at the right time

Again, planning is the key to success. Pitch your tent close to sunset time, which means that it will be exposed to less sunlight during the day

How to cool a tent without electricity - pitch your tent at sunset time

If you have arrived at the camping location early in the morning, explore the campsite and other activities around. Do not set your tent right away if you are not using it. A tent that sits under the sun the whole day will trap hot air inside.

Tip 4 - Purchase battery-powered devices

Sometimes, you need a non-electric device to cool your tent when scorching hot.

There are battery-powered fans that can cool both small and large tents without draining the charge faster among the devices. However, because you need comfort, the fan should operate quietly. You can invest either in a handheld fan for personal use or a larger fan for cooling the entire tent.

We recommend using a battery-powered tent air conditioner. There are many benefits you can get from a battery-powered AC, such as portability, easy installation, and lack of electric hookups.

Other articles that might interest you

Tip 5 - Buy a Reflective Space Blanket and insulate the tent all-around

Covering a tent with a space blanket might look weird, but it helps reflect the heat. When you set your tent in open areas without shades, the sunlight will hit the tent directly. 

The hot air might get trapped inside your tent unless you leave enough ventilation. Placing a reflective space blanket on the tent might help avoid this issue. 

The blanket must cover the whole tent for the trick to work. Make sure that you point the reflective side up. A space blanket is a cheap trick, and it will protect your tent from overheating – You can buy the options below for less than $25 bucks! 

Our recommendation - reflective tarps

Furthermore, put the tent on top of something to reduce heat absorption from the ground. The ground is one factor that makes tents uncomfortable at night. So, add something like a tent footprint or a tarp to enhance your camping experience.

Tip 6 - Cool your body down

Other than nature, your own body can be one factor that causes your tent to overheat. Here are some tips that reduce your body temperature, according to Medical News Today:

  1. Drink cold liquids
  2. Go somewhere with cooler air
  3. Get in cool water
  4. Apply cold to critical points on the body (wrists, neck, chest, and temples)
  5. Move less
  6. Wear lighter, more breathing clothing

Tip 7 - Watch for your tent ventilation

The easiest way to cool your tent is to ensure it is well-ventilated. Keeping the tent open will allow for maximum airflow. 

When a tent is unzipped or opened, the heat reduces, and the tent maintains its coolness. Open it during the day or when you are around the campsite – make sure you read our tips around tent security, though. 

Tip 8 - Forget about your sleeping bag

It is not advisable to use a sleeping bag since you are camping in hot weather. Their primary role is to keep you warm, making it unsuitable for summer camping. 

A good idea would be using an inflatable mattress instead of sleeping bags. They are easy to carry and lightweight, being ideal for camping adventures. 

Our budget-friendly recommendation for inflatable mattress

Tip 9 - Create your own DIY Air Conditioner

Yes, you can create an air conditioner with a few items, such as: 

We have detailed all the steps required to build this cooling device in this post. It is pretty easy and convenient – you can create with 5 steps!

Suggested Article


Sometimes, camping in the summer heat might seem a terrible idea. However, if you follow these tips and bring a couple of devices, it can become one of the most unforgettable experiences you can have. 

We have hand-picked these tips to provide you with effective, cheap, and practical tricks to improve your summer camping experience. 

All of them are simple and affordable to put in place. So, why not give them a try? 

Happy camping!